Manuscript Processing Timeline
Dear all Author,
We publish a timeline for processing manuscripts to be processed at the Journal of Applied and Research Computer Science and Information Systems (JARCIS). We hope that authors can use this as a reference when submitting manuscripts to the JARCIS Journal as a place for your work.
The JARCIS journal is published twice a year, in June and December (Minimum 5 articles in each issue)
The effective start date is January 2023.
1. Delivery Time: Anytime
2. Expected result of review: in February
3. Time of revision (from the author): February 30th
4. Time of receipt of articles: March 15th
5. Expected date of publication: 30 March
1. Delivery Time: Anytime
2. Expected result of review: in September
3. Time of revision (from the author): September 30th
4. Time of receipt of articles: October 15th
5. Expected date of publication: October 30th
Thank you for submitting your work to the JARCIS Journal, and we appreciate all of your support.
For more information, please visit our Contact Us page.
Read more about Manuscript Processing Timeline