The publication of the Journal is a proletarian journal (populist journal). Journal developed from and for us. The journal becomes a quality publication at a price that everyone can afford is our goal. Maintaining the entire process cycle is our Way and inviting all parties is our strategy to develop this journal. That is the spirit of the proletariat that inspires us. Come join the ranks of writers in our journal by submitting your article via the Submit article.
Jurnal Komunikasi, Sains dan Teknologi
Jurnal Komunikasi Sains dan Teknologi adalah jurnal berbahasa Indonesia yang diselenggarakan dan dikelola secara independen oleh Proletar Group, PT. BERBAGI TEKNOLOGI SEMESTA.
Jurnal merupakan jurnal akses terbuka yang diperuntukkan bagi para peneliti, dosen, dan mahasiswa yang akan mempublikasikan hasil penelitian di bidang segala hal tentang teknologi informasi, sains, dan ilmu komunikasi.
Jurnal didedikasikan untuk menerbitkan dan menyebarluaskan hasil-hasil penelitian dan diskusi teoretis dan terapan analisis teks, maupun studi literatur di bidang teknologi informasi, sains, dan ilmu komunikasiIndex oleh Google Scholar , Copernicus , Garuda , Indonesia Search
Journal of Applied Research In Computer Science and Information Systems
Journal of Applied Research In Computer Science and Information Systems (JARCIS) is dedicated to publishing and disseminating research results and theoretical discussions, applied analysis, and literature studies in the fields of information technology, computer science, and information systems.
JARCIS is committed to becoming a quality journal by publishing quality articles in English and being the main reference for researchers.
Journal of Applied Research In Computer Science and Information Systems (JARCIS) published 2 (Two) numbers every years is Publish in Juni, and Desember.
Index by : Google Schoolar , Copernicus .contact us via email:
Journal of E-business and Management Science
Journal of E-business and Management Science (JEMS) is dedicated to publishing and disseminating research results and theoretical discussions, applied analysis, and literature studies in the fields of E-business and Management science.
JEMS is committed to becoming a quality journal by publishing quality articles in English and being the main reference for researchers.
Journal of E-business and Management Science (JEMS) published 2 (Two) numbers every years is Publish in Juni, and Desember.
Index by : Google Schoolar , Copernicuscontact us via email:
Proletarian : Community Service Development Journal
Proletarian : Community Service Development Journal dedicated to publishing and disseminating the results of the community service process carried out by academics or related people.
Proletarian Comdev is committed to becoming a quality journal by publishing quality articles in English and Indonesian and becoming the main reference for researchers.
Proletarian : Community Service Development Journal published 2 (Two) numbers every years is Publish in Mei, and November.
Index by : Google Scholar , Copernicus
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International Journal of Innovation Research in Education, Technology and Management
International Journal of Innovation Research in Education, Technology and Management (IJIRETM) is dedicated to publishing and disseminating research results and theoretical discussions, applied analysis, and literature studies in the fields of Education, technology,and Management.
IJIRETM is committed to becoming a quality journal by publishing quality articles in English and being the main reference for researchers.
International Journal of Innovation Research in Education, Technology and Management (IJIRETM) published 2 (Two) numbers every years is Publish in Febuary, and Agustust.
Index by : Google Schoolar , Copernicus
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