
  • Desember 2023
    Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023)

    The publication of the Journal of E-business and Management Science (JEMS) is a proletarian journal (populist journal). Journal developed from and for us. The journal becomes a quality publication at a price that everyone can afford is our goal. Maintaining the entire process cycle is our Way and inviting all parties is our strategy to develop this journal. That is the spirit of the proletariat that inspires us. JEMS is dedicated to publishing and disseminating research results and theoretical discussions, applied analysis, and literature studies in the fields of E-business dan Management science. JEMS is committed to becoming a quality journal by publishing quality articles in English and being the main reference for researchers.

    The December 2023 issue comes from various university authors in Indonesia including: Bina Nusantara University, Universitas Multimedia Nusantara, Sampoerna University

  • Desember 2024
    Vol. 2 No. 2 (2024)

    The publication of the Journal of E-business and Management Science (JEMS) is a proletarian journal (populist journal). Journal developed from and for us. The journal becomes a quality publication at a price that everyone can afford is our goal. Maintaining the entire process cycle is our Way and inviting all parties is our strategy to develop this journal. That is the spirit of the proletariat that inspires us. JEMS is dedicated to publishing and disseminating research results and theoretical discussions, applied analysis, and literature studies in the fields of E-business dan Management science. JEMS is committed to becoming a quality journal by publishing quality articles in English and being the main reference for researchers.

    The December 2024 issue comes from various university authors in Indonesia and Malaysia including:  Universitas Insan Pembangunan Indonesia.

  • Juni 2023
    Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023)

    The publication of the Journal of E-business and Management Science (JEMS) is a proletarian journal (populist journal). Journal developed from and for us. The journal becomes a quality publication at a price that everyone can afford is our goal. Maintaining the entire process cycle is our Way and inviting all parties is our strategy to develop this journal. That is the spirit of the proletariat that inspires us. JEMS is dedicated to publishing and disseminating research results and theoretical discussions, applied analysis, and literature studies in the fields of E-business dan Management science. JEMS is committed to becoming a quality journal by publishing quality articles in English and being the main reference for researchers.

  • Juni 2024
    Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024)

    The publication of the Journal of E-business and Management Science (JEMS) is a proletarian journal (populist journal). Journal developed from and for us. The journal becomes a quality publication at a price that everyone can afford is our goal. Maintaining the entire process cycle is our Way and inviting all parties is our strategy to develop this journal. That is the spirit of the proletariat that inspires us. JEMS is dedicated to publishing and disseminating research results and theoretical discussions, applied analysis, and literature studies in the fields of E-business dan Management science. JEMS is committed to becoming a quality journal by publishing quality articles in English and being the main reference for researchers.

    The June2024 issue comes from various university authors in Indonesia and Malaysia including: Bina Nusantara University, Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah, Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia, Universitas Insan Pembangunan Indonesia.